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Regular Members (RGM):
The category of Membership will be open to working fulltime journalist as defined in the Working Journalist Act and full time journalist employees of news channels/electronic media shall be the Regular Members. Working Journalist means a person whose principal avocation is that of a full time journalist while full-time journalist employees of news channels/electronic media means those persons who are giving their full time services to news channels/electronic media. The Journalists who are employed on contract basis by news channels/electronic/print media are also eligible to become members of the Club, provided they fall within the definition of a journalist as explained in the Working Journalists Act and satisfy the conditions laid by Governing Council from time to time. In order to stake claim for regular membership the person/persons should also produce satisfactory proofs such as salary slips/statement of bank accounts etc. to support his/her claim. A regular member will continue to be a Regular Member even if he/she retires from active journalism on attaining the age of superannuation.
Regular Life Members (RLM):
The category of Membership will be open to those professionals who qualify to become a regular member. They can become life members by paying a life time membership fee and as per guidelines set by the governing council from time to time.
Candidate Members (CDM):
The category of Membership will be open to those journalists who have less than two years experience in the profession. Such members will remain candidate members for one year. After the expiry of one year these members should apply for regular membership. Such members shall be granted Regular Membership as per rules of the Club. If they fail to apply for regular membership after the expiry of one year, they will automatically cease to be candidate members. However, they can seek candidate membership again.
Associate Members (Category -1, ASM):
The category of Membership will be open to Non Journalist employees of print and electronic media organizations, persons whose principal avocation is not that of a journalist but who contribute part time to the newspapers as drama critics, cartoonist and the related fields, artists, writers, freelance journalists, persons from media academics/research, PRO’s of established academic institutions, management members of newspapers/news agency/news channels, present members of the Press Council of India, and other statutory media bodies, information/public relation officials of state/central govt. media organizations. Further, Spouses of deceased regular members who ask for membership shall be enrolled as Associate members with the subscription fee applicable to regular members.
Associate Members (Category-2, ACM):
The category of Membership will be open to Media related professionals of corporate / business/industries and allied setups, executives of Advertising agencies/Public relations agencies, communicators of social service organisations.
Corporate Members (Category-1, CSM):
The category of Membership will be open to the companies private or public as well as foreign companies registered under Companies Act and having turnover of less than Rs. 50 crores. They shall have right to nominate two representatives on annual basis but shall also have the option of withdrawing or changing its representative by intimating the club in writing.
Corporate Members (Category-2, CBM):
The category of Membership will be open to Companies private or public as well as foreign companies registered under Companies Act and having Turnover of more than Rs. 50 crores. They shall have right to nominate three representatives on annual basis but shall also have the option of withdrawing or changing its representative by intimating the club in writing.
Corporate Life Members (CLM):
The category of Membership will be open to members who pay one time payment of Rs. 10 lacs or as decided from time to time by the governing council. They shall have right to nominate four representatives on annual basis but shall also have the option of withdrawing or changing its representative by intimating the club in writing.Honorary Members (HRM):
This category of Membership will be open to persons of distinction who are invited by the Governing Council for a specified period. Eminent, veteran journalists and those persons whose contribution for GMC is noteworthy may also be considered by the council for inclusion in this category.
Temporary Members (TRM):
Any two members of the Governing Council will have power, pending the meeting of the Council, to offer the special privileges of the Club to any person other wise eligible who may be temporary member for three months, or for such longer period as the Governing Council may decide. The use of this power shall at any time be subject to revocation by a specially summoned Governing Council meeting.
Service Members (SVM):
The category of Membership will be open to officials from all India/ defence services whose job is transferable. Membership will be renewed in every six months at the discretion of managing committee.
Outstation Members (OSM):
The category of Membership will be open to Persons entitled to regular or associate membership but at the time of application not residing in the state which the company is registered.
Institutional Members (INM):
The category of Membership will be open to professionals, Institutions and Associations of professionals in Infotech/Engineering/Medicine as well as association of architects, Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries and Cost Accountants. Each such organization could nominate not more than 2 representatives.
You may fill up the form and send it to the Gujarat Media Club Office between 6 PM to 9 PM on week days. Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays will be closed. Once membership is approved, you will be intimated to pay the membership fee. Do not enclose Cheque with your application.